Best wished for Christmas and a relaxing holiday

To own a company, operate on a Board of Directors or have a senior position in a business is a complex and exciting task. To be successful, it is essential we all share both past experiences and news that we pick up. I try to do my bit to this experience bank through my blog OWBOMA.

Thanks a bunch to all of you who read and follow my blog. Without you, the writing is not worth the effort – even though it is exciting and fun. And special recognition to all of you who commented and liked the posts – directly on the blog, on LinkedIn or Facebook, via email, on the phone or whenever we met. Appreciated!

Ahead of us is now the Christmas and a holiday season, whether we believe or not in the story of the birth in Bethlehem and the consequences it had. However, the holidays around Christmas and New Year is a time to get together with our family and friends. Hopefully, it allows us to take a break to reflect on things, to recap the past year and review the opportunities the new year may bring. We can pause and give a thought also to those of us who neither can celebrate Christmas and the New Year nor can have a relaxing, safe holiday.

My Christmas gift this year goes to Médecins Sans Frontières, whose efforts more than ever are needed.



Christmas Background

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